Friday 20 March 2015

Difference Between Sex And Love Making

bf"Making love" is all about deep emotion connected to affection and shared bond that develop between caring lovers....

Having sex is general sexual intercourse between a
couple. This is irrespective of the fact that they
share love or any bond between them. While making
love reflects a feeling of affection associated with
sexual intercourse. Making love also implies being
intimate with your partner, not only physically but
also mentally while having sex is just an urge for
One may have sex with any person, needn't be their
partner, spouse, beloved etc. It can also mean
casual sex with anyone. While making love is
generally referred to intercourse with a partner,
spouse or beloved. In simple words, with one you
care for or are emotionally attached to.

Having sex doesn't extend beyond sexual
intercourse and more often than not, there isn't
any emotion between the couple. On the hand,
emotional attachment, including infatuation in the
beginning of a relationship, is there when making
love. It is sharing over all intimacy. Some people
also suggest that making love is an expression of
love though having sex isn't because love might not
be involved.

Having sex may just satisfy one's sexual urge while
making love may please a person's physical,
emotional, sexual and mental urges. It can be said
that having sex is merely restricted to a physical
act while making love goes to include other urges
A few people also might believe that having sex is
when sexual intercourse is fast and quick while
making love is when they're having slow and tender
sexual intercourse.

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