Sunday 1 February 2015

Ways Ladies Indirectly Beg For BIS Subscription Via Their BBM Status

If you are the type that chats on BBM, you will understand what am saying. If want to learn some tricks on how to be cunny, simply meet one of your sisters and she will teach you because girls are naturally cunny. Some of them always claim to be wise, they usually don’t come out open and express what they want but will always do it indirectly using signs such as when they need s3x, when they need money, when they like
someone, they also indirectly ask for BIS subscription too.

Below are some of the things they usually write on their status when their BIS expires and need someone to help them subscribe.
This is a trickish way of forcing you to ask her why will you be offline for long. Initially, she will pretend not to tell you.
Guy: Dear, why do want to be offline for long?
Girl: My dear, never mind, its personal.
Now the guy will claim to be a good friend or caring or to show concern and persist to know why without knowing he is actually entering into into trouble.

When she asks this question, her intention is to induce conversations and some guys will be like…Baby, you know I care about you. She will now smile because you have entered the net. The next question is…I know you do but can you proof it? The guy will respond of-course, just tell me anything you want. That is when she will now chip-in what she actually wants without you knowing. To the guy,
he is proofing but to the girl he is not proofing, he is subscribing for her because she is not interested in whatever you claim to be proofing but her BIS.

This is another indirect way of asking for BIS subscription because when she writes it, some of those guys who have been chyking her for sex or maybe for love will be like…baby whats the problem @your status? She will first complain how silly android is in melting down someone’s MB, she will say it in such angry mood that she just subscribed N2000 for MB last week and its almost finished, sometimes she will blame it on her sisters and end up saying that the worse is right now, she doesn't have a dime to subscribe now. In that way, you the chyker have been told to do something indirectly and as a chyker, you will be like..Oh, sorry about that, I will see what I can do..which network? She will now say…Thank you darling, you are so nice and sends a hugging and kissing smiley. Your response will be…Welcome baby, its my pleasure.

This is the one they all do both for BIS or when they need money from chykers or their boy friends. This one is obvious, you don't need to ask someone with such status what does she want. Some guys will start sending encouraging words like… dear, take it easy its just for a while. Some guys will be like…My dear, its every where o @your status. People like us will pretend not to see it. But believe me, there are many that will still respond and say…Dear, lets talk about your status. Every other message entering will remain “delivered” and not “Read” because she is now busy with you and its only messages from people like you that need to be read, others are stingy.

She writes she needs to change network so that someone or people will ask her why and believe me, people or someone will surely ask. And you know as someone who needs to change to another network for browsing will need to subscribe it. She will give you many reasons why wants to change which may or may not be true but at the end she will also add…but I have a problem. You will definitely ask what the problem is and that's when she will make her intentions known to you in polite way as if her status isn't all about that her intention. Wise guys will tell you, hmmm…I think its better you manage that network until the BIS expires.

When a girl puts such faces on her status, the chykers and the boy friend (s) will start asking questions. She will first try to put you in a defensive situation by first telling that there is no need telling you because you might not help or that she doesn't want to bother you with her problem but why did she have to put that face there when she wants to carter for her problems alone? Believe me, some guys don't like challenges especially someone who has been finding a way to show you that he likes you.
Immediately you say what the problem is, he will try to proof you wrong.

When she writes this, some guys in her chat list will be like…Na today you know?, some annoying ones will be like…you haven't said what you want, some will be like…how do you know, the ones that will enter the trap will be like…baby am not among the stingy ones, some will be like…You are wrong, not all guys. She will now look for replies that suit her intentions and start up chats with you. If you say you are not stingy and that not all guys are stingy, you have to show proof and that way, she will get what she wants.

Guys are good in asking what do you wish @ your status. Some with bad minds will think what she means is.. How i wish I was with someone right now. When you ask out of curiosity, she will tell you that what she means is how she wishes she could have a caring and
loving guy. In this way, she will end up getting what she wants from those disturbing guys.

This is almost same as No. 6 except that here she expresses her mood in words and not with a smiley. As someone who is chyking a girl on BBM or someone who is dating someone, you need to know why she is not OK. She will tell you I will be fine, that you don't need to bother and you will persist to know why she is not ok, that's when she you will buy the problem. If you pretend not to see it like us and if you two are close, she will ask you whether you didn't see her status which is normal or if she is a desperate one, she will ask you if you didn't see her status whether you are close or not.

This is an indirect way of saying of begging, It works like Magic. When she writes this, those guys will be asking why, why, why? In this type of case, she always says it directly that she doesn't have money to subscribe for her BIS for now.
Believe me, either her boy friend or one of the chykers will definitely do something.

She will write this one few days to the day her BIS will expire like 4 or 5 days ahead. There will be arguments, there will be some lovely chats and when the time comes, she will write any of the above status already listed above.
Girls, try these and you will always get someone to subscribe your BIS. Guys, be aware of these and you will never be a victim.

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