Thursday 8 January 2015

Shocking!!! Wife opens up on How the husband uses a SNAKE to make love with her'

A woman who dragged her husband to a divorce
court in Zimbabwe revealed that she became estranged from her husband after she discovered that he allegedly owns a snake which she claimed he used when ever they had s ex.

She claimed she had suspected her husband of
diabolical practices because each time they had s
ex,she would bleed continuously before falling ill.

The woman also claimed her husband's secret
was exposed the day she found a snake in their
bedroom during a spiritual cleansing by a prophet.

Reports say:
A woman revealed that she deserted her husband after she discovered that he allegedly owns a snake which she suspected he was sending to her so that she would have s ex with it.

She claims that she suspected that her husband was using juju because each time she had s ex with him she would bleed continuously before falling ill. The woman believes the reptile was being used by her husband to bed her after she reportedly found it in their matrimonial bedroom during a cleansing ceremony by a prophet.

As if that was not enough, the woman, Idah
Mutarara, who is employed by a local security company, claimed that there was a bottle full of blood hidden by her husband, Gideon Nyamayevhu, at their doorstep.

After discovering her husband's juju, Idah
said she feared for her dear life. The woman
also revealed that her husband was previously married to FIVE women who all allegedly died after discovering the man's said juju.

The startling revelations were laid bare at the
Bulawayo Maintenance Court where Idah had
dragged her husband claiming a monthly maintenance of US$240 for the upkeep of
their three children.

"Your Worship, the reason why I am applying
for maintenance is that I deserted my husband after I discovered that he was using juju. He has a snake which we have tried to kill but to no avail. The snake was discovered by a prophet we invited to conduct a cleansing ceremony. I suspect that the snake is having s ex with me because each time I have or feel like having s ex with him I bleed profusely," she said.

The woman added: "I now fear for my life after Gideon threatened me with unspecified action. I don't know what will happen to me. Five of the seven women he once married died supposedly after they discovered his juju. he also hid a bottle full of blood at our doorstep."

Gideon confirmed some of the allegations but
denied some as well. He agreed that indeed
five of his lovers died, but said they were his
girlfriends and not wives.

Without wasting much time on the said
allegations, Gideon begged the magistrate to
let him pay an 'affordable' maintenance fee
arguing that he was a pensioner who also
had other five children to look after.

Magistrate Victor Mpofu who presided over
the case ordered Gideon to pay his wife US40
per month for the upkeep of their three children.

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