Saturday 3 January 2015

Five Texting Mistakes Guys Make When Chatting With A Girl

Disclaimer: please those of us with the mentality
that all what girls want is money., can stay off this thread. Lets cut them some slack..coz there are some genuine ones among them,.who are caring and loving as they are,.and are not neccesarily after your money. That said

Here are some mistakes guys make when chatting with a girl or texting her.

Confessing your feelings over text.
As a guy, when you have this bottled-up feelings, you want to blurt them out. You feel only if she knew how much,you like her. She will want to be our gf. WRONG..the moment you blurt ur feeling to a girl tru text. You are revealing you hand, and leaving her nothing to work for.

Remember, the less she has to work for you, the
more bored she becomes.

Sending nice guy texts
Do you know why some girls are repulsed, by nice guys. Because the send boring texts. When a girl is continually pulling to read. ''hope your day is going well'', ''have you eaten'', have you had ur bath''. You began to seriously annoy her. These are checking in texts, and they make you appear too needy.

Being too available.
There are few reasons these will kill her attraction towards you. Firstly, it eliminates your mystery, secondly it doesn't give her time to miss you and anticipate hearing from you. She places less value on guys that are easy to catch. Which means if you are always around, she begins to value you less.

Texting your way to the friendzone.
Here is where guys blow it, they think the more they text back and fort with a girl, the more she likes them,well, they are sort of right, she likes them,,.as a friend tho. And we all know friendzoning is real.

Giving up too soon.
Every girl has a lock and getting her turned is just a matter of finding the right key. Most guys give up immediately she plays hard to get.

Happy romantic year.

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