Thursday 15 January 2015

Botched! Woman loses both arms and legs in butt enlarging surgery (PICTURED)

11 years ago, April Brown (then 36) was a successful hairstylist and happy and healthy mother of two. But she wasn’t happy with her life – she thought that her butt was too flat. April decided that she would look into getting BUTT SHOTS, which at the time – were ILLEGAL in Canada (her home country)
Brown received her first four injections a week later. Unfortunately, after her second appointment, Brown was already regretting her decision. “A voice just came to me like, ‘What are you doing? Are you serious? You are going to allow somebody to inject something into your body and you have no idea what it is.’”
Brown stopped doing the treatments and never went back. At first she was happy with the results . . . but then, THINGS CHANGED.
“[My buttocks] started to get hard, and then they started to get discoloured,” she explained to The Daily Mail. “By 2006, it was starting to itch and by 2007, the pain started. One thing about pain is that you can’t turn it off. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t even concentrate.”
The “doctor” that April got to do the implants, had injected an industrial grade silicone most commonly used in bathroom sealant, into her butt. And in 2010, the cosmetologist was rushed to the hospital with a staph infection. The silicone injections were causing her limbs to turn black and curl. The mother of two even had visible signs of necrosis, which is when there is not enough blood flowing through the body tissue.
Despite her severe condition, doctors were able to miraculously save Brown’s life by amputating her hands, legs, and flesh around her hips and buttocks in 27 surgeries. She’s now working hard to get back the life that she’s lost . . .
Ladies let this be a lesson to y’all . . . butt surgeries can be DEADLY!!!

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