Friday 21 November 2014

Law School Students Protest Being Posted to Yola & Kano

Just received this sad email from an an affected blog reader:
Good day,  
Please this is urgent. It's been over a week that the new intakes to the Nigerian Law School for the Bar 2 programme have protested and outrightly refused to report to the Yola and Kano campus, especially the former because of the rate of insurgence in the state and the current battle between the military and Boko Haram. 
The question is ''Why should these students be posted there, especially those who have never been to the north for whatsoever reason all their life?'' The foreign students who attained their law degree certificates from schools in African countries have also complained bitterly about the segregation in the posting of its students, as they were posted to the north while those who finished from schools outside Africa, were given preference and posted to Lagos or Abuja campus.
Isn’t it insensitive of the Director General of law school to assent to the posting of students to that campus, however leaving students vulnerable to Boko Haram attack, considering the fact that there's been no peace in Adamawa state in the past weeks and that Boko Haram have captured some towns in the same state. Does the DG of the Nigerian Law School have the welfare of these students at heart at all? 
We have circulars pasted all around school, that students not satisfied with their posting should wait till the next session. That is absolutely unfair and insensitive! 
Students therefore plead that the council of legal education should sit and consider posting the students to any of the other campuses.  As they have been walking helplessly all around Abuja campus (headquarters) requesting that this should be considered, but all has fallen to deaf ears as the administrative officers have insisted that nothing can be done about it.
Registration started on Monday, and lectures will commence on Monday, 24th november.. but majority of those posted to Yola or Kano still seek that something be done about this.

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