A lot of your fans are confused about your marital status. For the record, are you married officially?
Honestly, for now, I am not married. But definitely, I am going to get married very soon. I have a fiancee and we have been together for close to two years now.
But you have children?
Yes, I have two beautiful daughters who are between ten and nine years. I have a family and I’m from a polygamous home. I have a responsibility as a father.
Isn’t your fiance the mother of your two daughters?
No. My two daughters are from different mothers and I am not marrying any of them.
What happened?
It’s a long story. Back in time, as a street boy, growing up in the ghetto city of Ajegunle, I had some childhood girlfriends who got pregnant.
Then, I had no means of livelihood to sustain them. But I ensured that I took care of my kids right from when they were born. Unfortunately, I couldn’t take care of their mothers because of my financial status then. But now, that God has elevated me, I am planning to take my children abroad
Source: vanguardngr
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