Saturday, 18 October 2014

Wickedness: Horrific burns suffered by Filipino maid after Saudi Boss Mother ‘threw boiling water at her’ [photos]

Pictured: Horrific burns suffered by Filipino maid after Saudi boss 'threw boiling water at her' which have caused storm among country's servants 23-year-old burned on legs and back after attack in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Her Cousin rescued her from hospital, shared images in a Facebook post Post claims she was also beaten by male employer five days after arriving Maid is now in the care of the embassy, her cousin is calling for action.

A Filipino maid has been left covered in burns after her Saudi boss's mother allegedly threw boiling water at her as punishment for not making coffee quick enough.

The 23-year-old was not taken to hospital for hours, despite suffering scarring to her back and legs.

Once there, she passed her cousin's phone number to hospital staff and urged them to call for help.

Attack: This is the 23-year-old who was burned after her boss's mother allegedly threw boiling water at her

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