Wednesday 1 January 2014

8 Pregnancy and Baby Related Questions That Are No One’s Business

From the minute a woman becomes pregnant people suddenly feel as if it's within their rights to ask her and her husband incredibly personal questions. Family, friends, co-workers and even little old ladies at the mall will quiz parents- to-be about the choices they plan to make with their baby, and the "good" news is that these questions continue long after the baby is born. Having gone through this three times with my wife, I've
heard it all. Here are eight pregnancy and baby related
questions I think should be off limits. Do you agree?

1. Was the conception natural or did you use fertility treatments?
Gee, do I want you to picture me having s*x with my spouse? Or wondering how much money we spent?

2. Did you have a vaginal birth or a c-section?

3. You had a c-section? Was it medically necessary?

4. Did you have a drug-free delivery or did you get an epidural?

5. Is your wife going to quit her job?

6. chest or bottle?
All you need to know is that my child will be fed.

7. Are you circumcising your son?
Actually, I don't think I'll tell you what my son's man-hood looks like, thank you very much.

8. Are you getting your tubes tied/getting a vasectomy? Yikes! Ask this of someone who plans to have more kids and all you're saying is, "I don't think you can handle or need any more kids."

Best not to ask.

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