Sunday 22 December 2013

Feeling Heavy? 14 Signs You Are Pregnant.

Here are signs that are suggestive of pregnancy -

1. Missed Period – If you've experienced slight spotting, and have overall missed your period, this is a very good sign you're pregnant.
Since most pregnancy symptoms begin at the time a menstrual cycle is supposed to begin, some women confuse the symptoms for one another. If you've missed a period, chances are you've been pregnant for the minimum amount of time needed to test your urine.

2. Bloating – As your hormone levels change, and you begin to put on weight due to your pregnancy, there is a constant feeling of being bloated. Early in your pregnancy, it's mainly due to water retention since the fetus is still too small in be the cause.
Plus, as your uterus grows and rises above your belly button, it too will give you the bloated feeling.

3. Frequent Urination – As your uterus grows, it begins to apply pressure to your bladder, causing you to urinate more frequently. You should notice an increase in your trips to the bathroom early on in your pregnancy, lasting until you give birth.
Unfortunately, as time progresses and your uterus continues to grow, the frequency of urination increases. By the end of your pregnancy you should be spending quite a bit of time in the

4. Mood Swings – Like PMS, pregnant women experience all sorts of mood swings during their entire pregnancy terms. The swings are due to the hormone changes that are taking place within your body. Mood swings are normal and can be treated with constant happiness, joy, relaxation and positive attitudes.

5. Food Cravings – As your hormone levels continue to stay out of sync, you will probably notice an increase in your ability to smell, as well as find yourself craving foods you probably haven't
enjoyed before.

6. Spotting and Bleeding – There is a difference between bleeding and spotting during your pregnancy. Spotting is brown or pink in color and is very light, whereas bleeding is bright red and flows
heavily. Spotting is normal and bleeding is an indication that something else is seriously wrong.
You should contact your healthcare provider immediately if you are bleeding, or if you are unsure about the difference between the two.

7. Weight Gain – Of course women gain weight throughout their pregnancies, however weight gain early on is usually minimal, yet noticeable to the expectant mom. As soon as conception occurs you
begin to slowly gain weight week by week. As your pregnancy continues into the second and third trimesters, you will definitely notice the amount of weight you gain significantly increases, so enjoy
the minimal weight gain early on.

8. Elevated Body Temperature – During ovulation, your body temperature rises. If your basal body temperature stays elevated after ovulation and continuing on until you should be receiving your period, it's a good indication that you are pregnant.

9. Light Spotting – In almost all cases, a woman will experience light spotting early in their pregnancy.
This is due to implantation and tends to happen at the same time a woman is awaiting her menstrual cycle or period. If an expectant mother doesn't realize she's pregnant, she will probably pass the spotting off as the beginning of her period. The color of the blood should be brown or pink in color, not heavy, bright and red.

10. Fatigue – One of the most common signs of pregnancy is fatigue. Most women who don't realize they are pregnant yet, try to fix the problem of fatigue with caffeine, when in fact the opposite should be done (rest and relaxation) instead, especially if you're pregnant.

11. Cramping – Some women experience
cramping, and it's usually felt about the same time they are expecting their menstrual cycle or period.
The cramping is due to the uterus contracting. Moving around, exercise and s*xual orgasms can trigger uterine cramping early in pregnancy.

12. Tender bosoms or br**sts – As hormone levels increase, so does the tenderness of your br**sts and bosoms. This is one of the first signs of a pregnancy, however it can also be confused with symptoms relating to a menstrual cycle.

13. Dark Areolas – As soon as you're pregnant, your body begins producing hormones like crazy. This causes many changes inside and outside of your body. Your areolas are the dark circles that
surround your bosoms, and at the time of
conception until birth, they begin to darken in color.

14. Nausea and Vomiting – Nausea and vomiting, also referred to as Morning Sickness is inevitable in most cases. Some of the lucky ones never experience either nausea or vomiting, while some women experience it early in their pregnancy and others experience it throughout the pregnancy.


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